Linda Tajirian is an illustrator and graphic designer with over 25 years of experience in the visual arts industry. She recently completed an MFA in Illustration at Hartford Art School, University of Hartford.

Linda’s subject matter is inspired by her interest in the fiber arts. She is an avid knitter and passionate about spinning and weaving. Her research into the small farms that raise sheep to produce wool for the fiber industry led to a series of animal illustrations. These digital images come alive as the sheep, chickens and pigs in residence on the sustainable farmland.

In a clean, crisp style, Linda’s art captures life’s moments with a journalistic approach of story-telling. A sheep caught grazing, a basket of yarn waiting to be created into next year’s winter hat and scarf. These detailed illustrations draw the viewer in for a closer look with the promise of a story to unfold in this narrative art.

Linda enjoys her perennial gardens and growing vegetables in the raised beds of her backyard. She resides in Wethersfield, Connecticut with her dog Finnegan in a 1925 colonial that is a project of continuous improvement.